21 Oct

Alright, here are my thoughts for the NFL’s Week 6. Some teams won, others lost…it’s a zero-sum game people what do you want from me. Just a quick announcement before I get to my thought, next week I’m going to feature a section where I give my thoughts on things I don’t think people are giving attention to, too much attention to or not the right amount of attention to (I know that makes no sense right now, but please stay tuned). In any event here are my thoughts….

Carolina v. Atlanta (17 v. 31)

And Cam Newton loses another game, qu’elle suprise (which is French for what a surprise). Yes I know I said I would give him a shot for a year, but if he’s doing Deion Sanders’ highstep shuffle after TDs he be ready for some criticism, which I will gladly serve up. I will continue to monitor him over the next couple of weeks and if he continues to showboat whilst also losing games and the press continues to slurps him any harder, well that’s all I can stand ;til I can’t stands no more.

As for Atlanta, don’t be fooled by the box score and think that Atlanta is back to its fake contending ways. This two touchdown win, involved zero running game from Carolina, Atlanta playing at home and Michael Turner having the game of his life (or at least the best he’s had in 2 seasons). Do not be fooled by the 4 headed fake contenders monster of Atlanta, Tampa, KC and Houston. Ever. That’s just a rule, and I know KC sucks this year, but they’ll be back fake contending next year.

Indy v. Cinncy (17 v. 27)

This Cincy turnaround is all Andy Dalton and I am shocked that he is not getting more exposure and Dap, for how he has this terrible franchise sitting 2 games over .500 when most people (including myself) had them amongst the worst teams in the NFL going into the season. Not only has Dalton found a way to bring out the best in his teammates, he manages the game tremendously for a rookie and always finds a way to win games late for his squad. You might call him the Anti-Cam Newton or Mark Sanchez 2.0. Seriously he is without question the rookie of the year thus far in the NFL…I could give too shits about Newton’s numbers, Dalton gets it done.

As for Indy what can you say really, it has been imploding faster than a dying star since Peyton was lost for the season (yes I meant to write that) and each loss strengthens my argument that the MVP should be given to Peyton Manning every year retroactively for every year he didn’t win it. His teammates all look terrible without him (including Reggie Wayne and Dallas Clark) and his coach even worse.




San Fran v. Detroit (25 v. 19)

While I still don’t consider either of these team legitimate contenders (and since Manning/the Colts went down, and Pittsburgh is off its tracks a little bit,  the only real supreme contenders are Green Bay and New England anyway), this was a game to see which team could be taken more seriously. Well when the final whistle blew the answer was San Fran, although given that their franchised is attached to a historically shakey Alex Smith until they beat a more solid team on the road, I will not be convinced. If they can pull off a win against Green Bay, New England, Baltimore or Pittsburgh then come talk to me. Until then they and Detroit will still be the Donnie Brasco’s for the Fake Contender 4 (i.e. being proposed for membership, but not quite there).

As for the talk of the NFL which was the fight afterward, I was just hoping that the Whoa whoa whoa San Fran guy hadn’t gotten in the way and someone actually threw a punch. Harbaugh’s bad sports karma is already reaching Bill Belichek levels and its only his first year. He better help build some homes in Honduras or start reading at the homeless shelter before his spleen explodes at the NFC championship game.

St. Louis v. Green Bay (3 v. 24)

You know you’ve got your swagger going full-tilt when you blow out a hapless and defenseless (literally) team at home and your Quarterback who just finished winning a Superbowl last season, says that he was thursting for a better win. Green Bay is firing on all cylinders right now, but they are firing so well that you just get this weird feeling that something bad is about to happen. Although they won the Superbowl last year as the 6th seed, with 15 guys on IR so they can probably overcome whatever dark cloud hangs over them.

As for St. Louis, they better cover the spread this week against Dallas. Dallas hasn’t beat anyone by 10 to 13 points (depending on what spread you get) since Eisenhower, so while I am hoping for a Dallas win, here’s hoping that the hapless Rams can at least find a way not to lose by more then 10-13..which again, is totally probable.

Buffalo v. Giants (24 v. 27)

The Giants get a big win when they needed it most, and it was a good win after their implosion at home against the Seahawks last weeks. I don’t know how many people were booted from their suicide pool when the Rams beat the Giants, but I do know one…my buddy ry, sorry guy.

As for the Bills the luster on their improbable season is fading faster then my interest in Jersey Shore. And if you’ve seen the steamer of a season Jersey Shore offered up this fall you know this is not good (seriously I never thought a season which didn’t have Ronnie and Sammi fighting and making me want to rip my hair out, could be this boring…might be time to find some new Guidos and Guidettes…I say start by replacing Vinnie, he offers nothing).

Jax v. Pittsburgh (13 v. 17)

The only thing that troubles me about this game other than losing the “under on this game(which was at 40)” is that Pittsburgh didn’t blow this team out at home and was in a position to even lose it in the 4th. The Steelers I know would have totally dismantled a terrible Jaguarsa team which have no playmakers (other then MJD who was MIA in this one) and a new scarecrow of a QB playing at QB. This game should have been 42-3 minimum.

Philadelphia v. Washington (20-13)

While things are better in West Philadelphia, these still appear to be the ‘End of Days’ for Andy Reid’s tenure and this overhyped Eagles team .Despite playing on the road, they were playing a team in which Rex Grossman did everything he could to lose this game for his team except for pulling of an Ak-47 and going medieval on his own teammates. I have never seen a worse redzone performance in my life by a QB. EVER. The guy through 3 picks inside the redzone (and another on top of that somewhere else) and the Eagles ONLY won by 7!!! Even if the Eagles kicked field goals on these picks they would have won this game despite Grossman’s latest greatest meltdown.

On the plus side for the Skins they are a lock to cover the +3 spread against Carolina so grab it if you can because that is smoooooth Sammy’s pick of the Week. Now that Grossman is benched the run game and defense alone can cover the spread against Carolina.

Cleveland v.Oakland (17 v. 24)

The post-Al Davis all amnesia love fest continues in Oakland, and the Raiders actually played a solid game. They are futures however are now tied to the arm of Carson Palmer, but while most people hate this deal for the Raiders, I actually really like it. Palmer no matter is drop off, was a probowl QB capable of bringing out the best of his teammates and if that dirty ass Steeler didn’t purposely go low on Plamer in 2005, the Bengals probably would have gone to the Superbowl and had a few solid seasons instead of just a couple. Even if there is even 60 percent left in Palmer’s tank I will take that over whatever is in Jason Campbell’s tank. Palmer’s got some really good playmakers on offense and the defense even with the lose of Asmougha is better than most, so if they have a real shot the rest of the way of making the playoffs and even snaking the division away from the Chargers.

Cleveland better find a way to keep Hillis happy, although he’s been playing like a trick this season and better get his act together before the Browns bench  him and he’s left with a horrible contract situation league wide next season.

Houston v. Baltimore (14 v. 29)

Soild win by Baltimore top to bottom, and the way the Ravens have been playing this season I was surprised Houston even put up 14 without Andre Johnson in the line-up and Matt Shaub just waiting for a big injury (but he always looks like that).

New Orleans v. Tampa Bay (20 v. 26)

I only had one question about this game, and it was how in the World did the Saints lose this game??!?? Yes Tampa was playing at home and desperate for a win after their 45 point blow out loss in San Fran last week, but seriously how did the Saints manage to lose to this fake ass hype up team in an important divisional game???!? Oh wait why am I asking when I know, their man-boy genius coach was lost on account of the most devastating and flukiest side-line injury probably seen in a 100 years and Drew Brees continues to play like he snorted Brett Favres ashes and throw costly picks at the worst possible times (Favre’s not dead yet? My bad). Seriously if the Saints ever want people to take them as serious Super Bowl contenders again, Drew Brees needs to find a way to stop with these terrible and abundant picks (he’s had 8 in 4 games, and all seemingly at the most critical junctures).

Dallas v. New England (13-17)

Ohh my beloved Cowboys what a valiant effort you put forth. You were taking it to the Golden Boy and the Patriots, despite no run game, a shaky offensive line, conservative and shaky play calling by Jason Garrett and an even shakier confidence on the part of Tony Romo (understandably jumpy after his suspect picks the last few weeks) and were leading the Patriots with 13-10 with under three minutes to go. What happened? Well you gave Tom Brady the ball WITH UNDER THREE MINUTES TO GO!!!! And if that wasn’t bad enough Dallas’ decided to call off its pass rush and play prevent, which actually prevents nothing on the regular and especially against a guy like Brady. If we have learned anything about the Patriots since the Giants beat them in the Superbowl in 2007, is that the only way to beat Tom Brady is by getting in his grill and getting him off his game. Every team that has beaten him in the playoffs and/or a big game since then has employed some type of frustrating pass rush. Instead of doing what it did last Sunday Dallas was better off letting Tom Brady score before the 2 minute warning, getting the ball back right then and allowing Tony Romo, who is another fantastic QB with 2 minutes or under to go, a shot at winning the game.

The silver lining for Dallas is that they get the Rams at home and the bye coupled with this solid performance against the Pats has gotten some of the stink and pressure off Tony Romo and the rest of the Cowboys. While I don’t think they will cover the spread (-13), they have an excellent shot of at least beating the Rams and getting back to .500 with a few winnable games to go.

Minnesota v. Chicago (10 v. 39)

I hope you bet large on this game like I did because not only was the under waaaayyyy too low (40 pts), Chicago was a lock to cover the spread which was tremendously undervaluing them. Yes the Bears had offensive line problems and were coming off a tough loss, but they still have a quality run game, decent defense , explosive special teams, an above average QB and of course, they were playing the Vikings who, except for Jared Allen and a disgruntled Adrian Peterson, have nothing. Actually they have less than nothing because Leslie Frazier is perhaps the worst coach in football right now.

Miami v. NY Jets (6 v. 24)

If you thought the Eagles were a team desperate for a win, they had nothing on the NY Jets. Yes the Eagles were the “Dream Team” going into the season, but Rex Ryan has been running his mouth for 3 years now and a team who got all the way to the AFC championship game the last two years was looking at a 2-4 start in a year that was make or break for their franchise QB. If the Jets lost this one, and in the division they are in, you could rest assured that they were out of the playoffs, especially with all the other AFC teams blowing up around them. Want more justification for why the Jets were desperate? Well the Jets haven’t just been underperforming, they have been finding ways to get this asses kicked by other AFC squads like the Raiders and Ravens, so if they lost another one, especially to the terrible Dolphins and after all their boasting, you can rest assured that they would have been the laughing stock of the NFL.


New segment. I am going to be providing my top three picks against the spread each week from here on out. Happy birthday to all you gamblers out there.

Gold Pick: Bears +1 over Tampa Bay – Not only is Tampa overrated, coming off a big win (and being the fake team that they are destined to lose after that), and missing their top Running Back, but their “home game” is actually being played in England and Tampa has been atrocious playing anywhere but home. This one has Bears written all over it.

Silver Pick: Rams +13 over Cowboys- Again, while Dallas while probably win this ‘must win game’, Dallas has played in 11 straight games decided by 4 points or less. I have been watching this brand of Cowboys for years now and I can’t remember the last time they just blew out an opponent and especially did so in a game they absolutely had to win. This game is decided by 7 or less.

Bronze Pick: Redskins +3 over Panthers- Yes the Redskins have a new QB playing this week, but this is a rare instance when that is a bonus. The Redskins have been finding ways to win all season even with Grossman at the helm and have produced a surprisingly robust running game and defense. After a tough loss against the Eagles, which again they win easy if Grossman doesn’t throw those redzone picks (THREE OF THEM!!!!), they will be looking to rebound against a Panthers team dying to lose another game.


Detroit over Atlanta

Denver over Miami- I have no idea how Miami is favoured in this. They are winless, have a new QB, no running game, a short week, a headcase WR who might not play  and have the worst home field advantage in the history of sports. The blessed Tim Tebow should be able to win this one easy, despite his questionable playing style.

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