08 Dec

Philly v. Seattle (14-31)

That loud thud you here is the sound of a million sports writers and talking heads crashing down to earth. After another terrible loss to a terrible team the Philadelphia Eagles are officially knocked out of the playoffs (well, not mathematically officially but for anyone with half a brain). After being pegged as the new NFL superteam and being expected to breeze through the entire league and onto that Superbowl presentation podium the Eagles are in a fight just to make it to .500. And while the talking heads and media fats cats are often wrong, why were they so epically wrong? Well I have said it for weeks now the team has more holes than a condom used on Jennifer Aniston. I don’t want to go over the entire list but the top 3 reasons are Vick (suffering an intense case of just got paid-itis), the lack of a true north south rusher (enough of these ballerina-rushers Philly, you have them every year and every year you come up short) and terrible coaching (seriously Andy Reid, the challenge flag is not a napkin, you don’t have to launch it with such conviction.

Can things turn around in Philly? Well the talent is there, but because of this year’s gargantuan and bulbous failure someone needs to be made the scapegoat. Someone needs to have the blame shifted on them and allow everyone to say that “now that Mr. X is gone, we can play, Mr. X was holding us back, it was all Mr. X, don’t look at us as a collective to be responsible, blame that no good Mr. X”. And of course ordinarily Mr. X is the coach, but in Philly every year Andy Reid somehow keeps his job despite disappointing season after disappointing season despite his squads being packed with talent. I don’t know what he has on the owner or if he’s gotten him hypnotized or if he has threatened to sit on him if he’s fired, but for whatever reason in the results based NFL Andy Reid still has a job. As such Reid will probably have a job next season as well, so look for some lowly defensive personnel or even defensive coordinator to get the can while Reid gets to call the plays from the sideline. So in short, as long as Mr. X gets the blame and everyone in Philly actually believes that it was there fault maybe things can turn around with a fresh start…that and if Reid’s brain can somehow be swapped with Bill Belichek’s.

Tennessee v. Buffalo (23-17)

What a terrible way to go out for the Bills after that incredible start. What has transpired in Buffalo is actually the worst thing that could have happened to this team because not only did they let their fans down after the highs they were on, but they committed big money to Ryan Fitzpatrick who promptly began to stink after getting said pay day, Fred Jackson who was promised big money is on the IR (I really wonder if they will pay Jackson now after all, and I also wonder why the media is not covering this angle to see if the Bills openly welch on their commitment to Jackson, and they are probably stuck with a mid-range pick because of their hot start instead of a high one, and even a shot at Andrew Luck. The lesson if you live in Buffalo? Never try..or be a fan.

Kansas City v. Chicago (10-3)

Ouch. That’s the only way to describe what is going on in the Chi and if you are a Bears fan. Ouch. The Bears actually really strong this year, were getting great production in all three phases of the game (offense, defense and special teams) and had their best quarterback play in…well ever. And then it all came crashing down when he got hurt and in the last two games since the Bears have played worse than the Colts and Jags put together. On top of that they got dirtied in the Orton sweepstakes and have no lost Forte (who should not have even have been playing without a new deal the way the Bears were riding him) for at least the next 2-4 weeks. If the Bears even have a remote shot at the playoffs they have to find a way to gut out this week’s game. However, that they are going to Denver in the midst of Tebow-mania without a QB or a RB the odds of this are not high.

Oakland v. Miami (14-34)

Yes Raiders! Way to let down your fans by losing an important and winnable match-up versus the 4-8 Dolphins that would have put you into the driver’s seat in your division. Yes I know Miami is on somewhat of a resurgence of late (and after 0-7 anything is a resurgence), but this was to important a game for you to get stomped out in. For shame.

Denver v. Minny (35-32)

Yuck enough with the Tebow-mania. Yes I know he’s been winning ball games, but after 6 games anyone can look good, even Josh McDaniels (hmm where is he right now Broncos fans?). So while the Broncos have won some games against terrible opponents and are in a brutal division three things to please keep in mind;

1. Tebow has not even played 10 games yet, so please lets all take a lesson from Bill Parcells and put away the anointing oils for a while

2. Give some, if not all, of the credit to the Defense as they are playing out of this World and had they played this way two better QBs might still be in town (i.e. Jay Cutler and Kyle Orton)

3. John Fox is not a genius. I’m sorry but after reading hack writer Rick Reilly’s piece on “John Fox the Football Genius” I had to get that off my chest (you know after I cleaned up the vomit I had all over myself after stupidly reading another Rick Reilly Column). Fox is the same coach who went 2-14 last season with the Panthers, was fired, somehow promoted as coach of the Broncos and was then terrible for weeks with Orton until said Defense (see point 2) decided to play with some heart. John Fox is a genius the same way someone splits tens at Blackjack is a genius (i.e. retarded).

4. Wait until they play a good team. I have no idea how Denver has gotten 6 cream puffs teams in a row but even they are set to face a good team like the Bears, that team suffers some kind of devastating injury before they play (ie.Cutler, Forte)

Indy v. New England (24-31

I kicked myself in this one for not taking the points.+ 21.5 for the Colts are you kidding me?? And of course with ghost of Peyton Manning flying around Foxborough the Colts managed to keep it respectable by only losing by 7. Don’t make the same mistake this week against Baltimore, but more on that in the picks section.

Cinny v. Pittsburgh (7-35)

I don’t care what the Bengals inflated record says they are, because there was no way they were winning a game in Pittsburgh this late in the season. This Steelers win was as predictable as it gets.

Carolina v. Tampa Bay (38-19)

Good grief Tampa Bay you are terrible. Not only have you endured brutal losses on the road all season but now you are losing to terrible teams at home? Tampa Bay’s motto this year should be Good Grief, they should all dress in Charlie Brown shirts, and the holder should move the ball away anytime an extra point or field goal is attempted (not that you would see this very often anyway given Tampa’s brutal play).

Jets v. Washington (34-19)

The line was toooo juicy in this one for the Jets at -3. Not only did the Jets need this win badly, but the Skins stink. No QB?? No RB??? No playmakers at WR????? This Jets win was as predictable as Rick Reilly’s next lame-ass column (sorry to still be harping but I still cannot get over his blowing of John Fox).

Atlanta v. Houston (10-17)

Yes Atlanta is overrated and stupid, but for Houston to keep winning without there 1st and 2nd string Qbs is remarkable. I have no idea how Wade Phillips can be such a terrible head coach and yet such a fantastic Defensive Coordinator. Although the wise move by Houston, to not pursue Asomogha and instead go after 2 playmakers for the defensive backfield I am sure has something to do with it.

Baltimore v. Cleveland (24-10)

Ohhfff. Cleveland looked brutal in this one. Yes Peyton Hillis is back but except for that 52 yard passing play (in which he of course failed to score), he looked brutal. I am on my fantasy football bye this week (finished the year as the #1 seed, ya I brag) so I won’t mind another shaky performance against the Steelers this week, but Hillis better get something going and quick before the end of the season. Forget about the Browns Hillis what about me? What about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee????

Green Bay v. NY Giants (38-35)

For the first time all season the Packers looked beatable, and there terrible secondary looked especially terrible. Even the best teams can fade at this point in the year (I remember the 2007 Patriots had this), so as strange as it sounds a loss might even be good for this squad because it will give them a wake up call and especially give their terrible secondary a wake-up call (I’m not even going to comment on their run game because that has been MIA since week …well ever). The Raiders come to town this week, and after a loss against the Dolphins will probably be back to playing competitive ball.

Dallas v. Arizona (13-19)

Yuck, as a Cowboys fan I don’t want to get into this game. But I will. I watched this game beginning to end and knew right from the opening kick-off that it was going to be a dark day. Everyone is talking about the kick that Bailey missed to win it in the fourth, but he also missed a relatively easy won in the first half. He makes that the lead is higher, Dallas has more confidence, things look worse for the Cardinals. But no, he blows it. That coupled with the moronic decision to abandon the run, the secondary’s continued brutal play, Demarcus Ware’s absence at the end of the game and of course Jason Garrett’s monumental moronic decision not to call timeout after Dez Bryant picked up the first down were all the Doomsday sign a Cowboys fan needed to know to know that this game was done. Dallas plays the Giants in an important game at home. You know what this means right Cowboys fans? Take the points and bet the Giants.

St. Louis v.San Fran (0-26)

Since the Rams did not show up to play this game I am not going to show up to write about this game.

Detroit v. New Orleans (17-31)

Although Detroit played with passion, it played with the wrong kind and their stupid penalties coupled with their other boneheaded mistakes and of course Suh’s absence are all factors which contributed to this loss. Other factors? Well how about the fact that the Lions are still far from a quality team that needs to be taken seriously. They are still in Atlanta’s class, i.e. the fake hype-ups.

San Diego v. Jacksonville (38-14)

FINALLY the Chargers wake up in a must-win game and show that they at least have a pulse left this season. More important then that, my fantasy QB Phillip Rivers woke up and showed he still has some game left in him. The Chargers are on a rough road to make the playoffs, but Chargers fans can take solace in one of two things, either they Make the Playoffs or Norv Turner is gone. Its win-win-win.


Gold- Texans -3 over Bengals

Silver- Indy +16.5 over Baltimore

Bronze-Giants +3.5 over the Cowboys

BONUS-Atlanta +1.5 over Carolina


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