20 Sep

While it seems that the entire NFL is backwards right now, what with the Patriots losing at home to Arizona, the Saints losing in back-to-back weeks,  a Peyton Manning led team getting blown out against an NFC opponent and the New York Jets imploding before our eyes (ok, maybe that last one is not so surprising), I am confident that this week the NFL will start to re-gain some order. Below are some of the juicy lines and picks I note for your amusement but remember THESE PICKS ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY,


Texans (-1) over BRONCOS

Although Peyton Manning looked great in week 1, in week 2 he looked just like you would expect a 36 year old quarterback coming off a myriad of neck surgeries and a year out of football, to look like. The good news for the Broncos is that they are playing at home with the mile high advantage (i.e. oxygen deprivation for anyone not acclimatized to the altitude). The bad news? The Texans are 2-0 and are looking dominate despite sub-par performances from Andre Johnson and Matt Shuab and if Peyton Manning plays anything like he did against the Falcons this one will be over early.

ARIZONA (+3.5) over Eagles

In back-to-back weeks it looked as though Philadelphia looked like it was going to lose to opponents who looked better than them for the majority of the game. That is until the last 5 minutes or so of each game, when Philadelphia suddenly woke up, got the benefit of some dubious calls and pulled out a win in the game’s final opponents. Can Philly do the same in Arizona or win handily? Well of course Arizona has the roster talent to compete against anyone, but it has been a long time since Philadelphia has lived up to the hype. Furthermore, although it is a total mystery how the Cardinals are 2-0 given their suspect roster, they have been playing with incredible grit, especially against the Patriots. Arizona is at home and the points are with them, it might be time for karma to give Philly one of the losses it deserves.



Giants (+2.5) over CAROLINA

If you had told me in the preseason that that the World Champion Giants would be the underdogs against a team that went 6-10 last year, I would have called you crazy and lined up to place a bet if I had to. But looking at the first two games of the season for each team, and it is no surprise. The Giants got beaten badly by Dallas and were losing badly against Tampa Bay before coming out with the win late, while the Panthers having been playing their opponents really well despite their suspect roster. However, after a couple of weeks to get things right and the internal flame that must have been sparked after Tampa Bay’s antics at the end of last week’s game, the Giants seem poised to get back into winning form. I might shy away from this game only because of the injuries to the Giants, but if they don’t scare you and you have confidence in Andre Brown filling in for Ahmad Bradshaw and the rest of the Ginats receiving corps sans-Hakeem Nicks, have at this one.


Buccaneers (+9) over COWBOYS

If you know nothing about the NFL in the last 10 years, there are only two real truths you need to know. As a Cowboys fan I can sadly tell you that the first is that, whenever Dallas is expected to win a big game or is favour by a lot, have confidence in betting against the other team. Until I see otherwise, Dallas’ defense cannot win a ball game when it counts. Period. For the Cowboys to have gotten beaten so badly last week in Seattle and be favoured to win this much even at home is puzzling even for the most passionate Cowboys fan. Do yourself a favour and bet Bucs. And hey if you are a Cowboys fan and lose this bet, you can take solice in knowing that at least they won a game they were supposed to for a change.


Patriots (+3) over RAVENS

In the preceding pick I spoke about the only two truths you as a prospective NFL gambler need to know. If the Cowboys losing a game when it counts is one of them, the Patriots bouncing back from a loss and winning is the other. Over the last decade, except for the Peyton Manning led Colts, I would say no team has bounced back better after a loss then the New England Patriots. As such, for the Patriots to be given points is your cue to rush to wherever you need to get to and bet on them. I do not care if this game was played on Mars, it is easily one of the most secure wagers around. Of course, if the Patriots were to somehow lose, well there’s always next week to bet on the Patriots again.


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