15 Oct

With the unpleasant topics that featured prominently to start the season like the labor dispute between the NFL and its referees and the Bounty-gate scandal growing smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror, the NFL season seems to be in full-swing. With each passing week, the NFL seems fortunate enough to distance itself from all the negativity that the season began with and all but the head injury issue seems to remain. While the conspiracy theorist in me believes that the NFL created somewhat of a smokescreen to cover the issue of head injuries with its labor dispute with the officials and the situation in New Orleans, after a couple more weeks I doubt the issue of head injuries will continue to interest anyone for the remainder of the season (at least until the offseason).

While the issue of head injuries to current and former players is still incredibly important, it is still only week 7, so lets re-examine this past weekend’s action guilt free.


1)      Green Bay’s “Upset” Win- Well the Green Bay Packers called it all week, they said they were no one’s underdog and they proved it. While many in the media were calling the Green Bay Packers team that we’ve known for the last 1.5 season done, this team (and myself if you read my picks column) couldn’t have disagreed more. Their leader Aaron Rodgers had perhaps the biggest chip on his shoulder leading up to the game in Houston and was adamant that his team was still the team to beat despite Houston’s inflated record. With the way New England and San Fran lost this week, he might be right (my money however is still on the Giants though).

2)       Seattle’s Huge Comeback- As I have said time and time again, if you are gambling in the NFL there is no smarter than betting on the Tom Brady and Bill Belicheck led Patriots (unless of course its the playoffs). But as reliable I think the Patriots are, something scarred me away from betting on this game even though the Patriots have been looking as dominant as ever lately. Although the Seahawks have had some clunker games this season and are led by a rookie QB, their defense is extreme stout and their special teams have been really good this season. Add to this the fact that Seattle has had one of the best home-field advantages in all of sports for a long time now( i.e. its “twelfth man”), and it is not that big of a shocker that they won this game. Of course, the Patriots still were in control of this one for most of the game and if it wasn’t for that deep ball to Sidney Rice late in the game when the Patriots fell asleep on D, the DBs that were calling out Tom Brady after the game might have been singing a different tune after this one.

3)      Shonn Green’s Big Day- This goes out to everyone who had Shonn Green on their fantasy squads (myself included) and had the guts to play him despite his terrible performances over the last 5 weeks (myself not included). In what may be the greatest out-of-nowhere performance for a player this season, Shonn Greene turned is game around and pounded the Colts on the ground for 161 yards and three touchdowns to help the struggling Jets rout the Colts 35-9 at home.


1)      It’s Always Panic-mode In Philadelphia- Another week, another turnover prone week for the Eagles. However, like last week, the Eagles could find none of their improbable ways to win that netted them their 3 wins despite their terrible performances earlier in the season. If you winter is settling in and you are getting cold, you can always try warming up on Andy Reid’s hot seat, as it is officially the hottest seat in terms of criticism and media speculation in sports right now.  How Reid’s Eagles managed to bungle a ten point lead late in the game to the 1-3 Lions I’ll never know.  And while Reid has taken his fair share of flack for his dubious playcalling, Michael Vick’s turnovers, which now account for the vast amount of turnover on this squad, have absolutely killed this team as they always seem time come at the worst possible time (and often in the redzone).  While Eagles fans are quick to point of that the Eagles are still not under .500, no one who has followed this team all season knows they should be no better then 1-5. The good news for the Eagles is that they are going into the Bye this week, and Andy Reid is always strong coming off a Bye week. For Reid’s sake I hope he is because this is definitely one season he cannot afford to buck that trend.

2)      The Cowboys Do It Again- Do not believe the score in this one because while was close enough to win, they certainly did not deserve too. Why you ask? Well if you watch a Cowboys game, you will always see the same thing, boneheaded penalties (and lots of them), missed opportunities, Romo getting picked off at the worst moment, allowing the first down on third and long and of course, the big missed field goal. It is almost as if the Cowboys were the cinematic equivalent of Groundhogs Day without the highend comedy. And in the contest against Baltimore it was of course more of the same. The only difference in this one was that Dallas’ running game showed up and the team showed some heart near the end of the game. Unfortunately, for the Cowboys all their miscues and missed opportunities (no bigger than Dez Bryant’s dropped 2 point convert), sealed this game before Dan Bailey’s kick went predictably wide left. It is indeed a hard time to be a Cowboys fan, but the bright side is that their offensive line looked a lot better and none of the injuries their playmakers sustained in this contest are believed to be serious.

3)      San Fran’s Big Let Down- With the way the 49ers played this past Sunday, I really must take issue with Mark Twain’s assessment of winter time in San Franscisco. I mean with all the hot air spouted by the 49ers how cold can it really be? If the entire 49ers organization isn’t in Saudi Arabia right now with their collective heads buried in sand and shame right now then something is seriously wrong with the World in which we live today. Am I being too harsh? Not at all. This 49ers team not only got beat by the Giants in the playoffs and had the whole offseason to stew as  consequence, but they talked all week about what they were going to do and how badly they were going to beat the Giants. And what did they do? Nothing.  They got beat at home even worse than last season despite all their upgrades and all their promises. This team should be ashamed of themselves.  If this team doesn’t go out and beat their next 5 opponents by 700 points, be confident knowing that the despite their lack of hype, the Giants are far and away the team to beat in the NFC right now.

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