18 Oct

I still cannot get over it. How does a team that is up 24-0 at home against a division rival with a suspect quarterback go on to lose the game by allowing 35 points in the second half. The odds on this happening must be 1000000000000 to one (conservative estimate) right? But no somehow the San Diego Chargers allowed the Broncos and Peyton Manning’s noodle arm to come back and beat them at home despite the seemingly insourmountable odds. I still cannot believe it. While this game has probably been talked about and dissected about 100000000000000 times since Monday night (conservative estimate), I will not say too much more about it, except to say that this epic fail on the Chargers was not only the most disgusting collapse I have ever watched in a football game (and that includes all Cowboys games from 1997-present), but it cost us another chance at very respectable 4-1 weekend. While 3-2 is still good, lets see if baring another spectacular failure if we can do better this week.


Arizona Cardinals (+8) OVER MINNESOTA VIKINGS

INDY COLTS (-1) OVER  Cleveland Browns


Baltimore Raves (+6.5) OVER HOUSTON TEXANS

Look, I know the Ravens lost at least 2 superstars on the defensive side of the ball last week in their predictable win over the Dallas Cowboys. However, Ray Lewis although he still gets a lot of tackles, Ray Lewis is not the same player he was even two years ago as there has been a significant drop off in the quality in his play. As such, losing Ladarius Webb is the only real loss to the defense. However, while I know the Ravens play around their 5 stars on defense and losing Webb is big, it is somewhat offset by the fact that Terrell Suggs is expected back this week. Therefore, if Ed Reed and the rest of the Ravens defensive backs step up, the front 7 will actually be receiving a significant boost with Suggs’ return and Lewis absence, and perhaps overall, better off. However, while the prospects for the Ravens might bizzarely improve on paper, it all depends on how much the team misses the leadership of Ray Lewis and if the secondary steps up. While the Ravens might not win this one, I think they should be able to do enough on special teams and offence to make it a tight fight even if the defense doesn’t show up.



I am well aware that I have a rule never to bet on the Cowboys in a game in which they are favoured but I am making an exception in this case. The reason I am making this exception is because coming off that brutally close lose against Baltimore, this is essentially the Cowboys’ season right here. They were always up against it this season given their incredibly tough division (at least on paper) and their incredibly tough schedule as a whole. If they lose this game they fall to 2-4 and can essentially kiss this season goodbye. Look I know the Cowboys fail routinely in big moments, but they can beat the Panthers. The only way they don’t beat the Panthers given the talent on their roster is if they Romo and the rest of the Cowboys beat themselves with turnovers, miscues on the offensive line and penalties. With their season on the line lets see what they can do.


Pittsburgh Steelers (-1) OVER CINCY BENGALS

While both teams lost last week, Pittsburgh is still the far superior of these two teams. Period. Yes, I know the Steelers defense and its overall success hinges on Troy Polamalu and he has been anything but reliable of late, but the Steelers still have enough weapons to win this game. On paper, Cincy should be raring to go after its loss to the Browns (seriously how did they drop a game to the filthy Browns) and are playing at home, but the Bengals while they show talent are still not a proven team with a winning pedigree yet. With the Steelers record where it is, I cannot see them dropping two in a row as it would effectively end any shot of them winning the division (especially if the Ravens win this week). Therefore, because this is a make or break game for the Steelers, and good team usually win under those circumstances, feel confident, and take the Steelers.


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