29 Oct

I have always believed that Prince is the most overrated artist of all-time. He may have churned out a couple of hits in the 1980′s but has done nothing of relveance in at least 25 years. However, despite his artistic ineptitude, or maybe as he prefers it ineptidude formally known as the Artist, he has somehow continued to remain relevant (is it possible that both Journey and the Olsen twins have the same publicist he does??).

In any event, while I can even except the argument that quality artists can remain relevant over time, no one is playing Prince records, asking for them to be played nor can I even remember the last time I heard played anywhere. This is of course in other 80s artists like Michael Jackson who songs still get significant air and club play on the regular. It is interesting that there were people in the 80s who had the audacity to compare Michael Jackson to Prince, because as you can see from this video, right from the beginning MJ was pure talent and Prince was a lot of noise and hot air…


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25 Oct

I will admit I was a little worried last week. I was betting on my beloved Cowboys (who almost never cover when favoured) and taking the Steelers who were playing without playmaker and lucky charm Troy Polomalu (the team is drastically under .500 when he does not suit up). However, thanks to some big play out of the Dallas Defense, the Bengals shaky play calling and the will of the gambling Gods, I was fortunate enough to end the week with another 4-1 outing. Contrary to the last couple of weeks, this week does feature some juicy lines so lets get right to them….


Atlanta Falcons (+2.5) over PHILLY EAGLES

I know the Eagles roster is stacked, the team is playing at home and Andy Reid has an amazing record when coming off the bye week, but there is something I do not trust about the Eagles. Until Michael Vick proves himself with a top to bottom solid performance there is nothing to trust about this team. Not only that but look at what this line is saying. This line is saying that this rag-tag Philly team is favoured to win over the only undefeated team in the league that is clicking on all cyclinders. Really Vegas experts? While I certainly don’t trust the Atlanta Falcons, do trust them much more then the Eagles at this point. It still isn’t an overly confident bet given Reid’s post bye week performances, but with this Eagles squad, it is still good enough of a bet.

Oakland Raiders (+1) over Kansas City Cheifs

Remind me again why Kansas City is favoured in this one? I know they are playing at home but this team has looked brutal in every game they have played in and have just made the decision to bench their starting QB Matt Cassell in favour of unproven Brady Quinn. The Raiders are no powerhouse, but they do have a number of playmakers on both sides of the ball (especially up-and-coming wide receiver Denarius Moore), have been in a number of close contests these season (including taking Atlanta to the wire) and thus, if Carson Palmer is not absolutely atrocious in this one, feel confident taking in taking the Raiders.


New England Patriots (-6.5) over St. Louis Rams

Despite the NFL insistence, I refuse to acknowledge this as a home game for the Rams. How could it be, because last time I checked St. Louis wasn’t a stone’s throw away from Buckingham Palace. To me this game is an away game for both teams, and if anything with New England’s shorter travel time across the pond (I hate that term by the way), if anything it is a home game for the Patriots. In any event, the dubiousness of the locale aside, the Patriots are facing a ton of criticism from across the NFL with people questioning them in a way not seen since 2003. That criticism is all bogus and you want to know why, because if the Patriots were pitted against the Texans right now, the odds would be set in the Patriots favour. In fact, the Patriots win that match-up probably 99 times out a hundred. Until they lose by more than 7 points to any team in the AFC they are still the class of that conference. Right now the Patriots have their backs against the wall due to all the heat they have been taking, and no one plays better under that type of scrutiny then the Patriots (at least in the regular season). Feel confident taking the Pats in this one and I would not be surprised if they won this game in a rout.


New York Giants (-1) OVER DALLAS COWBOYS

One of the best things about the spread is that it moves. I guess that can work both ways but earlier in the week when I was getting plus one on the Giants and it moved down I tell you it doesn’t get much better than that. However, for those of you that missed out, you did not miss much as the Giants are absolutely rolling right now, and whether they are giving a point or getting a point it doesn’t really matter, they are not losing this game. Add to this that Dallas’ is really hurting right now with the loss of Demarco Murray, Phil Costa and now Sean Lee and the fact that their homefield advantage is actually anything but, and you have the makings of fantastic opportunity.


San Diego Chargers (-1 or -2.5) OVER CLEAVLAND BROWNS

To be honest with you I do not know what the odds on this one will be when it comes time for you to place a bet. Earlier in the week the Chargers were giving two and half points, then only one and then back to two and half. However, that fanatic Brown fan aside, this is hopefully a game that San Diego wins handily. The Chargers have lost two straight but both losses had strange circumstances surrounding them and aside from the games the Chargers have looked decent this season. The Browns on the otherhand have as usual only had one look to them; putrid. It is my hope that you are able to take the Chargers only giving up 1, but even if you have to give up 2.5 it is still not a terrible situation as again, the Browns look terrible in all three phases of the game and thus this is a very winnable game for San Diego.

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23 Oct

With another week of football behind us it is time once again for us to take a look back at some of the most memorable moments (both good and bad).


DALLAS COWBOYS BIG WIN- It finally happened, my beloved Dallas Cowboys actually beat a team they were supposed to beat! Can you believe it? I know I still can’t. But they did, and while it was a very close affair, the Cowboys suffocating defense managed to squeeze the life out of the Panthers on their few promising drives, particularly at the end of the game. Now don’t let this game fool you, things are not all good for the Cowboys, in fact far from it. With the injuries piling up (including the loss of their only relevant offensive lineman in Phil Costa in this one), a tough next 3 games, the offense sputtering and of course the lack of consistency out of Tony Romo, the Cowboys will be lucky to be over .500 when they face the Browns in a couple of weeks. But on this day, and for a moment, it was nice to be a Cowboys fan again.

NEW YORK GIANTS COMEBACK WIN- Well who would have thunk it, Eli Manning led his team to a big comeback win in the 4th quarter. I know this would have seemed inconceivable even a few years ago, but is there a better or more reliable quarterback in the NFL when it comes to the 4th quarter than Eli Manning? He truly is the Mariano Rivera or Tem Henke (for all you Blue Jays fans out there) of the NFL. And of course Sunday was no different. Playing at home against Redskins and the RG3 hype-machine, the Giants were able to rally after a seemingly game ending touchdown by Santana Moss with just over 90 seconds to play. Do you think that kind of scenario would unnerve Manning? Hell no, as the Giants leader only moments later hit Victor Cruz with a perfect pass that went 77 yards for the game winning touchdown. Amazing. Next week Manning plays the Cowboys on the road, and while I am hoping he has an off game, something tells me that this Giants team is already in playoff-mode and the Cowboys are in for a good ol’ fashioned Texas whooping.

STEELERS DO IT AGAIN- If there is one constant theme in all of sports it is of course that good teams find a way to win. Think about it, in any sport, no matter the odds against them, a solid team with a winning pedigree finds a way to win games when they are supposed to. This of course does not mean the team with the best record in a given season, I am talking about proven teams with proven leaders. Case in point the Pittsburgh Steelers and their tilt with the Bengals. The Steelers had every excuse in the book to rely on if they lost this contest, they were on the road, they had more turn-overs, they were without some of their best playmakers on offense and defense, but as usual the good team got the job done and won a game they not only had to have, but has no business winning. I don’t know whether or not the Steelers will have enough gas come the end of the season with all of their injuries, but whatever their record I would take them over the likes of the Ravens or Texans.


TAMPA BAY’s SUSPECT LOSS- I will say from the outset that there is nothing I particularly like about Greg Schiano. I find his oafish style of coaching perplexing and his bizarre in games stunts annoying (his latest move to have his team scream in unison during field goal attempts is juvenile at best). However, despite my disdain for Schiano I will still do not believe that Tampa Bay should have lost this game the way they did. On the game’s final play receiver Mike Williams ran into the endzone, was absolutely shoved out of bounds, but then managed to recover his composure, get back in the end-zone and catch what seemed to be a game tying touchdown. However, despite Williams’ recovery the referees ruled the touchdown no good as Williams had gone out of bounds and as such could not be the first player to touch the ball. This is ridiculous, as even though it is a rule, the rule’s purpose is to punish players who go out of bounds on their own volition. Here however, the receiver is absolutely clocked out of bounds and is then himself penalized? Whatever happened to pass interference or not touching the receiver after 5 yards? I know pass interference calls still exist as I see bogus versions of them week after week, but the league needs to get together immediately and right this wrong of being able to shove players out of bounds lest a team that people actually like end up holding the bag like Schaino’s Bucs did on Sunday.

JETS BLOWN OPPORTUNITY- While the Steelers did everything they could to win on Sunday, the Patriots did everything they could to blow it. However, unlike the Steelers, the Pats were not successful, because even with all of their mistakes, the Jets still did not want the victory. Up ten points late in the game, the Patriots once again let a team come back on them, but time and time again with the game on the line the Jets could not pull the trigger. From Stephen Hill’s huge drop on third down and four late in the 4th quarter, to recovering the Devin McCourty yet only managing a field goal, to allowing the Patriots to march down the field with under 2 minutes to go and kick a field goal at the end of regulation, the Jets seem to miss on every opportunity gift wrapped to them by the Patriots. In the end as usual, the Patriots took care of business when it matter, kicked the field goal in overtime and then promptly got a sack-fumble on Sanchez to ice it. And while this game will not be of any particular relevance to the Patriots because they have done it so many times before, the Jets and Rex Ryan (particularly if he’s unemployed) come season’s end and remember it as the game that got away and could have changed their season.

CAM NEWTON’s METLDOWN- When I refer to Cam Newton’s meltdown, I am not talking about his on-field performance against the Dallas Cowboys. Losing to a team with a quality defense when you are the underdog, is no big crime even if it’s at home. No, the meltdown I am referring to is of course Cam Newton’s performance in the post-game press conference. Anyone who saw this spectacle must have been floored by Newton’s erratic and ultimately disappointing display (usually he saves that kind of performance for the field). In his despondent and nonsensical diatribe Michael Vick 2.0 (or Robert Griffen the 3rd -1.0 if you will), blamed everyone for his problems and was shocked that his on field Superman antics are yielding results that are anything but. The worst part of this scattered and disjointed rant, was that it seemed to have yielded its intended purpose. How you ask? Well in the age of the me-first world of professional sports, Newton cried his way into shifting the blame of his shoulders for his string of disappointing performances, and onto the franchise’s now ex-GM Marty Hurney. What happened to the age of integrity and accountability by the people regarded as franchise players who stood up and took their share of the blame? Was its end suddenly prompted on the night of Lebron’s now infamous Decision, or is its death a tragic reflection of the times we live in as a whole? Either way I don’t like it, and Cam Newton should feel ashamed that he is willing to deflect blame while still mascarading as a superstar. Just because Newton’s hype has now shifted to the equally unproven RG3 this year, it doesn’t mean he has to try and hang on to fame by shifting the focus on someone else. Where I came from that’s not what leaders, let alone franchise players are about.

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Video of the Week: Bonus

20 Oct

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Video of the Week

20 Oct

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18 Oct

I still cannot get over it. How does a team that is up 24-0 at home against a division rival with a suspect quarterback go on to lose the game by allowing 35 points in the second half. The odds on this happening must be 1000000000000 to one (conservative estimate) right? But no somehow the San Diego Chargers allowed the Broncos and Peyton Manning’s noodle arm to come back and beat them at home despite the seemingly insourmountable odds. I still cannot believe it. While this game has probably been talked about and dissected about 100000000000000 times since Monday night (conservative estimate), I will not say too much more about it, except to say that this epic fail on the Chargers was not only the most disgusting collapse I have ever watched in a football game (and that includes all Cowboys games from 1997-present), but it cost us another chance at very respectable 4-1 weekend. While 3-2 is still good, lets see if baring another spectacular failure if we can do better this week.


Arizona Cardinals (+8) OVER MINNESOTA VIKINGS

INDY COLTS (-1) OVER  Cleveland Browns


Baltimore Raves (+6.5) OVER HOUSTON TEXANS

Look, I know the Ravens lost at least 2 superstars on the defensive side of the ball last week in their predictable win over the Dallas Cowboys. However, Ray Lewis although he still gets a lot of tackles, Ray Lewis is not the same player he was even two years ago as there has been a significant drop off in the quality in his play. As such, losing Ladarius Webb is the only real loss to the defense. However, while I know the Ravens play around their 5 stars on defense and losing Webb is big, it is somewhat offset by the fact that Terrell Suggs is expected back this week. Therefore, if Ed Reed and the rest of the Ravens defensive backs step up, the front 7 will actually be receiving a significant boost with Suggs’ return and Lewis absence, and perhaps overall, better off. However, while the prospects for the Ravens might bizzarely improve on paper, it all depends on how much the team misses the leadership of Ray Lewis and if the secondary steps up. While the Ravens might not win this one, I think they should be able to do enough on special teams and offence to make it a tight fight even if the defense doesn’t show up.



I am well aware that I have a rule never to bet on the Cowboys in a game in which they are favoured but I am making an exception in this case. The reason I am making this exception is because coming off that brutally close lose against Baltimore, this is essentially the Cowboys’ season right here. They were always up against it this season given their incredibly tough division (at least on paper) and their incredibly tough schedule as a whole. If they lose this game they fall to 2-4 and can essentially kiss this season goodbye. Look I know the Cowboys fail routinely in big moments, but they can beat the Panthers. The only way they don’t beat the Panthers given the talent on their roster is if they Romo and the rest of the Cowboys beat themselves with turnovers, miscues on the offensive line and penalties. With their season on the line lets see what they can do.


Pittsburgh Steelers (-1) OVER CINCY BENGALS

While both teams lost last week, Pittsburgh is still the far superior of these two teams. Period. Yes, I know the Steelers defense and its overall success hinges on Troy Polamalu and he has been anything but reliable of late, but the Steelers still have enough weapons to win this game. On paper, Cincy should be raring to go after its loss to the Browns (seriously how did they drop a game to the filthy Browns) and are playing at home, but the Bengals while they show talent are still not a proven team with a winning pedigree yet. With the Steelers record where it is, I cannot see them dropping two in a row as it would effectively end any shot of them winning the division (especially if the Ravens win this week). Therefore, because this is a make or break game for the Steelers, and good team usually win under those circumstances, feel confident, and take the Steelers.


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15 Oct

With the unpleasant topics that featured prominently to start the season like the labor dispute between the NFL and its referees and the Bounty-gate scandal growing smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror, the NFL season seems to be in full-swing. With each passing week, the NFL seems fortunate enough to distance itself from all the negativity that the season began with and all but the head injury issue seems to remain. While the conspiracy theorist in me believes that the NFL created somewhat of a smokescreen to cover the issue of head injuries with its labor dispute with the officials and the situation in New Orleans, after a couple more weeks I doubt the issue of head injuries will continue to interest anyone for the remainder of the season (at least until the offseason).

While the issue of head injuries to current and former players is still incredibly important, it is still only week 7, so lets re-examine this past weekend’s action guilt free.


1)      Green Bay’s “Upset” Win- Well the Green Bay Packers called it all week, they said they were no one’s underdog and they proved it. While many in the media were calling the Green Bay Packers team that we’ve known for the last 1.5 season done, this team (and myself if you read my picks column) couldn’t have disagreed more. Their leader Aaron Rodgers had perhaps the biggest chip on his shoulder leading up to the game in Houston and was adamant that his team was still the team to beat despite Houston’s inflated record. With the way New England and San Fran lost this week, he might be right (my money however is still on the Giants though).

2)       Seattle’s Huge Comeback- As I have said time and time again, if you are gambling in the NFL there is no smarter than betting on the Tom Brady and Bill Belicheck led Patriots (unless of course its the playoffs). But as reliable I think the Patriots are, something scarred me away from betting on this game even though the Patriots have been looking as dominant as ever lately. Although the Seahawks have had some clunker games this season and are led by a rookie QB, their defense is extreme stout and their special teams have been really good this season. Add to this the fact that Seattle has had one of the best home-field advantages in all of sports for a long time now( i.e. its “twelfth man”), and it is not that big of a shocker that they won this game. Of course, the Patriots still were in control of this one for most of the game and if it wasn’t for that deep ball to Sidney Rice late in the game when the Patriots fell asleep on D, the DBs that were calling out Tom Brady after the game might have been singing a different tune after this one.

3)      Shonn Green’s Big Day- This goes out to everyone who had Shonn Green on their fantasy squads (myself included) and had the guts to play him despite his terrible performances over the last 5 weeks (myself not included). In what may be the greatest out-of-nowhere performance for a player this season, Shonn Greene turned is game around and pounded the Colts on the ground for 161 yards and three touchdowns to help the struggling Jets rout the Colts 35-9 at home.


1)      It’s Always Panic-mode In Philadelphia- Another week, another turnover prone week for the Eagles. However, like last week, the Eagles could find none of their improbable ways to win that netted them their 3 wins despite their terrible performances earlier in the season. If you winter is settling in and you are getting cold, you can always try warming up on Andy Reid’s hot seat, as it is officially the hottest seat in terms of criticism and media speculation in sports right now.  How Reid’s Eagles managed to bungle a ten point lead late in the game to the 1-3 Lions I’ll never know.  And while Reid has taken his fair share of flack for his dubious playcalling, Michael Vick’s turnovers, which now account for the vast amount of turnover on this squad, have absolutely killed this team as they always seem time come at the worst possible time (and often in the redzone).  While Eagles fans are quick to point of that the Eagles are still not under .500, no one who has followed this team all season knows they should be no better then 1-5. The good news for the Eagles is that they are going into the Bye this week, and Andy Reid is always strong coming off a Bye week. For Reid’s sake I hope he is because this is definitely one season he cannot afford to buck that trend.

2)      The Cowboys Do It Again- Do not believe the score in this one because while was close enough to win, they certainly did not deserve too. Why you ask? Well if you watch a Cowboys game, you will always see the same thing, boneheaded penalties (and lots of them), missed opportunities, Romo getting picked off at the worst moment, allowing the first down on third and long and of course, the big missed field goal. It is almost as if the Cowboys were the cinematic equivalent of Groundhogs Day without the highend comedy. And in the contest against Baltimore it was of course more of the same. The only difference in this one was that Dallas’ running game showed up and the team showed some heart near the end of the game. Unfortunately, for the Cowboys all their miscues and missed opportunities (no bigger than Dez Bryant’s dropped 2 point convert), sealed this game before Dan Bailey’s kick went predictably wide left. It is indeed a hard time to be a Cowboys fan, but the bright side is that their offensive line looked a lot better and none of the injuries their playmakers sustained in this contest are believed to be serious.

3)      San Fran’s Big Let Down- With the way the 49ers played this past Sunday, I really must take issue with Mark Twain’s assessment of winter time in San Franscisco. I mean with all the hot air spouted by the 49ers how cold can it really be? If the entire 49ers organization isn’t in Saudi Arabia right now with their collective heads buried in sand and shame right now then something is seriously wrong with the World in which we live today. Am I being too harsh? Not at all. This 49ers team not only got beat by the Giants in the playoffs and had the whole offseason to stew as  consequence, but they talked all week about what they were going to do and how badly they were going to beat the Giants. And what did they do? Nothing.  They got beat at home even worse than last season despite all their upgrades and all their promises. This team should be ashamed of themselves.  If this team doesn’t go out and beat their next 5 opponents by 700 points, be confident knowing that the despite their lack of hype, the Giants are far and away the team to beat in the NFC right now.

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11 Oct

Well it was bound to happen. After killing the picks for weeks 3 and 4, in week 5 we hit a wall. To be fair to go 3-2 is certainly not terrible, I mean that is still 60% and I heard that if you are anywhere near 54% making picks you are doing well. So lets hope 60% is as bad as it gets (knock wood). However, before moving on to this week’s picks I will say that we were a wide open Antonio Brown drop in the endzone and an improbable Saints comeback (I still can’t believe that helmet to helmet call on the interception return) from another perfect weekend. Oh well there’s always this week, so here goes…


Oakland Raiders (+9.5) OVER ATLANTA FALCONS

I do not care that ‘Matty No Ice’ is 5-0 right now. Until the Falcons absolutely destroy a notable opponent, I think everyone needs to stop giving the Falcons the New England Patriots treatment. Furthermore, the Falcons were 1 miracle endzone launch away from losing against 1-4 Carolina at home and barely beat the Redskins last week who played most of the game without rookie phenom RG3. And although I am still pessimistic on RG3 longterm, the Falcons should be at least 3-2 right now and probably worse than. It is my conclusion therefore, that even though they are playing at home, it is highly unlikely that they beat the Raiders (who are also coming off a bye week) by more than 10.

Detroit Lions (+4) OVER PHILLY EAGLES

While I successfully predicted that the Eagles would lose last week, as I previously mentioned I had no way of knowing that Antonio Brown would drop that gift wrapped touchdown in the endzone and thus the Steelers would not cover the spread. And while I apologize again for the missed pick, I am willing to make it up to you by picking the Lions to cover the spread in this one. Look, I know the Eagles are pissed following the loss and looking to rebound against this disappointing Lions team, but not only are the Lions coming off the bye this week, they are actually much better than their record indicates. I am not saying the Eagles won’t win this game, with their luck they will probably win the game with some miracle play in the final two minutes, but I highly doubt they will beat the Lions by more than 4. Furthermore, Vick is rattled right now, so if Suh or anyone else on the Lions front four can put pressure on him the Lions could easily win this one outright.



Like the Atlanta Falcons I trust nothing about the Houston Texans. Sure they have looked strong this year (and even last year at points), but until they beat a notable opponent or win a meaningful game in the playoffs I will continue to have no love for the Texans. Until they do either of the aforementioned what it tells me is that they can lose to anyone at anytime, especially a good team. Green Bay is a good team. I don’t care what their record says they are, you have to remember that this is the team that was the heavy favorite to win the Superbowl this year, and considering they already have one, they are a force to be reckoned with. Adding to the case for the Packers, is that they lost in a horrible way last week and are looking to get back on track with a vengeance. Do not be surprised if Green Bay wins this one in a big way.



What kind of a world do we live in where the Cleveland Browns are favoured to win a game over anybody? Seriously, I ask you.  I don’t care if the Bengals lost 10 games in a row, how can this Bengals squad by the underdog against this rag-tag Browns squad. How is that possible? Unless Peyton Manning’s ghost envelops the body of Josh Weedon or Joshua Cribbs returns 5 touchdowns, I cannot see how the Bengals lose this one even if they are playing on the road. Ok, before I really upset the gambling Gods with this rant, I will quickly say pick the Bengals….and pray…



I know the Chargers gave up a big lead last week and lost, but that game was a total writeoff. Not only did the refs give the Saints every call down the stretch, but as I previously stated, the Chargers were one dubious helmet to helmet call from being up 31-14 in the 2nd half. However, the Saints used Drew Brees’ record night and Sean Payton’s return as catalysts for this crazy unpredictable game. As for the Broncos, it was more of the same last week. Peyton Manning sadly is a shell of his former self and the rest of his squad is getting disillusioned by the minute. Therefore, to pick between a Chargers squad that lost in an unbelievable fashion and a Broncos squad that lost in predictable fashion the smart money has to be on the Chargers right? Especially since the Chargers are playing at home and it’s still October. I must be missing something for the line to be this close.  If I am not however, feel safe and take the Chargers in a heartbeat.


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09 Oct

Well another week of Brady winning when it matters, another Jets debacle, another week of baring witness to San Fran’s utter domination and another week of NFL action is in the books. The weekend was filled with wall-to-wall storylines and excitement (except if you were unfortunate enough to watch and/or attend the Ravens-Chiefs game) so without further adieu, lets get right to the highlights and lowlights


1)      Colts Big Win- The Colts comeback against Green Bay would have made the highlight list anyway because of its sheer magnitude and because of who they beat. While I bet on the Colts in this contest (my apologies for not posting this in my picks column), being down 17-3 at the half against the Rodgers led Packers, I never could have expected the kind of comeback that the Colts put up. Yes, Mason Crosby missed two big field goals, but the Colts were a totally different team in the 2nd half and Reggie Wayne has the game of his life in perhaps the most emotionally charged game we will see this season. They wanted to win for coach Chuck (Pagano) and boy did they ever. No one expected much out of the Colts this season, and maybe that’s true, but I know two things; Andrew Luck is the real deal, and if they ever get a running game this team will be a contender for a very long time. This win however, could give them a spark for a memorable run for the rest of the season though.

2)      49ers Crush Another One- I know I watched that game, but looking back I cannot fathom for the life of me how the 49ers lost against the Vikings in week 3. Sure they were on the road and Christian Ponder, while not spectacular, is a guy who always manages to make the big play when his squad needs it and did so in this one, but after watching the last two weeks I still am left clueless as to how a team this dominant could give up a loss. However, fortunately for the 49er that one loss might turn out to be a blessing in disguise. How you ask? Well first and foremost they will be able to avoid all the nonsense and undue pressure that comes from all the undefeated talk that seems to actually suffocate teams in the long-run, especially lately (i.e. 2007 Patriots, 2009 Colts, 2011 Packers etc.). Second, although they have been playing fantastic ball the last couple of years, that loss seems to have re-focussed and envigorated an already strong contender. Barring a significant injury, I fear for any team having to play this team this season, including their bane the New York Giants this week.

3)      Drew Brees’ New Record and Big Night- While I still cannot believe that the Chargers gave away this one (especially considering they were on the verge of being up 31-14 with a pick-6 if not for that ridiculous helmet-to-helmet hit on Drew Brees), the record set by Brees’ was somewhat impressive. I say somewhat because in the NFL there are records and then there are RECORDS and Brees’ latest seem to fall into the former category. If we are talking about fantasy football than, by all means having your QB throw at least a touchdown a game for 48 straight is big, but I mean if your team gets a win in a gritty defensive battle, what does it matter if your QB has a touchdown or not in a game. The bigger story I think is that the Saints finally got the losing stink off them, and at 1-4 at least they have the smallest of outside chances in making the playoffs.


1)      Eagles Loss- For the Eagles to drop a game to the perennially great Steelers is not really a big deal or “lowlight” worthy. However, the way they played and Andy Reid’s continued suspect play calling certainly is. Since getting paid Michael Vick was turned into dollar for dollar the worst value for any quarterback in the NFL not named Peyton Manning. His team did all they could to get the victory, and the Steelers did all they could to lose this one (including Antonio Brown’s wide open touchdown drop in the endzone), but Vick still managed to turn the ball over at the worst possible time (perhaps none bigger than his fumble into the endzone which cost his team a touchdown in a game decided by 2 points). Of course all of the blame cannot be shifted onto Vick’s shoulders, as Andy Reid continues unbelievable challenges, poor clock management and terrible decision making. I almost chocked when I saw the Eagles decide to go for it on their OWN 30 on fourth down in a tight game like this one with plenty of time on the clock. I thought I was hallucinating. Luckily, LeShawn Macoy was able to lunge for the first after getting hit in the backfield  on this one, but this is the kind of terrible coaching that sucks the life and confidence from your team in the longrun. The Eagles finally lost a game they deserved to lose, and if Vick and Reid don’t start being accountable to their team, plenty more losses are coming I assure you.

2)      Manning Finished?- Before the season kicked off I made the prediction that Peyton Manning was done as an elite level quarterback and cited his age, injury history and being out of football for over a year as justifications for said prediction. I was not particularly happy about making the prediction because even though I never rarely bought into the Peyton Manning hype machine, he was an incredible competitor, who always put his squad in the best position to win and always had them in contention. However, that Manning is sadly long gone. There was a glimpse of the old Manning in Denver’s week 1 win, but that might have been the final curtain call for the Manning of old. Don’t get me wrong this Manning is still incredibly competitive and this week’s loss was not all on him (especially when you consider Willis McGahee’s recent bout of fumble-itis), but there comes a point in every great athelete’s life when both they and we know they no longer have it. It is sad because we have cheered them on for years, but it is an inevitability. To have watched Manning these last four weeks, I can tell you that that inevitability with respect to Manning is now a certainty.


3)      New York Jets Latest Fiasco- Let me begin by saying that I am not the type of person who piles it on when someone is down. I always hate when Letterman makes the inevitable and excessive Paris Hilton jokes, because to me that is both lame and lazy. However, the exception to this rule is of course the New York Jets, because for no other reason than their misfortunes are wholly of their own making. We all know the longstanding errors, making a suspect quarterback in Mark Sanchez your starter and keeping him there, allowing a loudmouth like Rex Ryan to remain your head coach despite all his empty promises, bringing in another suspect quarterback with a massive sideshow in Tim Tebow when you know that doing so will create a totally unnecessary “controversy” etc. However, in addition to these problems it seems every week the Jets find some way of either embarrassing themselves, drawing negative attention or both. This week of course is no different. Not only did Mark Sanchez cement his position as one of the worst quarterback in football (currently sitting with a passer rating of 66 in the league which is good for 31st) but like Tony Romo he manages to make the worst possible play at the worst possible time. In this game, you can take your pick as he threw an interception in the redzone at the end of the first half and an interception to end the game late in the fourth. However, because Sanchez also makes none of the good passes Romo does make, all the heat Sanchez takes is rightly deserved. Look I am not saying Mark Sanchez won’t become a decent game manager one day, he has all the skills to become the next Brad Johnson or Trent Dilfer, but right now he is failing miserably even at that. And while it is not all his fault because of all the injuries to the already weak receiving corps and Rex Ryan’s suspect coaching, there is no excuse for having 4 straight games completing less than half your passes. None. I don’t know where the Jets go from here, but at the rate things are going, Sanchez, Ryan and GM Mike Tannenbaum should have their bags packed come the end of the season.

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04 Oct

We are officially on a roll. Although 9-1 over the last two weeks is fantastic, we are a dubious offensive pass interference call late in the Giants game from being 10-0. Even if I was psychic I could not do better. Ok now that I’ve sufficiently jinxed myself I will get to this week’s picks (WARNING: I am serving up this week’s picks with a hefty caveat; there are few juicy lines this week so please govern yourselves accordingly).


Chargers (+3.5) over SAINTS

Without question the Saints are really hurting right now and the entire city of New Orleans has  Commissioner Goodell  to thank for that. However, at 0-4 even if Sean Payton were only suspended 6 games it would not have made much difference, they are still done this season. I remember watching a game not long ago in which Sean Payton tore his ACL on the sidelines and was forced to leave the game. You want to know what happened next? THE SAINTS COMPLETELY WENT TO PIECES WITHOUT PAYTON ON THE SIDELINES! As such this wasted season should come as no surprise to anyone. Drew Brees is good, but the unquestioned leader of this squad is Payton. Without him they are gone.

The Chargers however, are a team moving in the opposite direction. Although they lost in a big way last week, San Diego has played well this season and usually plays well until the playoffs. And seeing as how we are still many weeks away from them, feel confident taking the Chargers (especially if you are given points like this).

RAMS (+3) over Cardinals

I have no idea how the Cardinals are 4-0 right now. Everyone seems to be praising their defense, but while it has been good , it has not been that spectacular. As such I cannot for the life of me understand how they are 4-0. I know the New England should have netted them a loss, but they have still won 3 games with a sub-par quarterback and no real playmakers except for Larry Fitzgerald. They should have lost more games than this right? Well Thursday night, I am going out on a big limb and saying that the Rams will throw them their first loss. Although there defense is worse than the Cards and their offense has struggled to put up points, the Rams are playing at home and are coming off a big win over another divisional opponent. Playing on an even field I would probably take the Cards, but playing at home and with points I have to slightly give the edge to the Rams. Again only slightly though.


STEELERS (-3.5) over Eagles

I still cannot get over how the Eagles won last week’s game, or rather how the Giants lost it. Either way, the Eagles continue to ride an incredible wave of good fortune and won a game they had no business winning. Although the Steelers are favoured in this one, they are also playing at home and favoured, a fact that to this point has ironically played into the hands of the Eagles. Unfortunately for the team from Philly, the Steelers are getting back to of their best players on defense (i.e. Troy Polamalu and James Harrison), they are getting back their star running back in Rashard Mendenhall, and Ben Rothlesberger is one of the best closers in the business. As such, while 3.5 points is a lot to give up, the Pittsburgh run defense should shut down Vick and McCoy on the ground and having Polomalu will likely be enough to boost an already solid defensive backfield. The Eagles good luck is bound to run out sometime, and I’m thinking this Sunday.


PATRIOTS (-6.5) over Broncos

That sound you’ve been hearing in your ears Sunday is the sound of only one thing, the sound of the Buffalo Bills imploding. The game was right there for the taking, the Bills were up 21-7 going into halftime and all seemed good in Buffalo. However, something happened in the second half that always seems to happen when it comes to the Patriots. They got played lights out and won a game they absolutely had to have. This Manning lead Broncos team looks ok, but this is not the same Peyton Manning we are used to seeing as he cannot even throw the ball 35 yards down field with any kind of certainty as this point. However, even if he could I do not think it matters. This Patriots squad is playing at home and after their dirty loss to the Cardinals in their last home game, there is no way they lose another one this early into the season. I don’t know if the Patriots will cover the spread for certain, but I am pretty sure that barring some mercy on Brady’s part, a fluke injury or some annoying meaningless score late, that they will. The smart move would be to take the Moneyline on the Pats victory, but who is smart enough just to do that.


Seahawks (+3) over PANTHERS

I’m not really what Carolina has shown to this point to justify them being the favorites against a (thus far) solid Seahawks team, but Vegas must know something I don’t. The Seahawks are coming off a brutally close loss to the Rams last week, and have probably been stewing all week looking to get back on track. The Panthers on the other hand seem are coming off another loss in which Cam Newton danced around and pretended to be Superman, only to have his ass handed to him like Clark Kent. I like Cam Newton, but not only should the theatrics stop, they should be put on permanent hiatus until his team closes a season with a winning record. If he did that I’m guessing we wouldn’t be seeing Superman for a very long time. Although they aren’t playing at home, be smart and take the Seahawks.



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